Monday, 14 March 2011

Secret Code – Cool Facebook Trick

This is a really cool trick to impress your friends and make them wonder how  you did it. The type of secret facebook code is called an easter egg. Easter Eggs are hidden codes and tricks in games, software and websites that the creators hide for a bit of fun. Eventually somone discovers the hidden secret code.
This facebook easter egg trick is based on the Konami Code which is one of the most famous cheat code in video games. The Konami Code has been used in countless games and is now used on facebook to activate the secret easter egg which is the facebook lens flare.
To try out the secret hidden facebook code for yourself, make sure you are on a facebook page.
Then press: UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A ENTER on the keyboard.
You should then see the cool facebook easter egg lens flare on your screen. To remove the lens flare just REFRESH the page.
You could post the hidden facebook code in your status or you could do it on your friends computer!

Funny Facebook Friends Who Suck Cartoons

Here are some funny cartoon pictures of typical facebook friends. The ones who suck at facebook and annoy everyone! There is the rash friend, the gamer friend, the quiz taker friend and the filterless friend who never stops posting updates!

Funny Farmville Real Life Farming Pictures

If facebook farmville was real this is what it would look like in these funny pictures!

Facebook Chat Free Secret Emoticons And Smileys Codes

Here you can find the full list of facebook emoticons codes for you to use in your facebook chat with friends. Some of these smileys are hidden, secret and harder to find than others, but this is the complete emoticon list! You don’t need to download these emotes or smileys, you just need to type the code which is beneath the fb emoticon and it will appear inside your facebook chat box. There are so many different smileys and icons to use and they’re all cool and free!
Instructions: Just copy and paste the code in blue into your facebook chat box and send it to your friend. It will appear as the emoticon/smiley once you have sent it.


Facebook shark emoticon: (^^^)


Facebook penguin emoticon: <(“)


Facebook woot emoticon: O.o


Facebook kiss emoticon: :*


Facebook wink emoticon: ;)


Facebook tongue emoticon: :p


Facebook sunglasses emoticon: 8-|


Facebook smiling emoticon: :)


Facebook sad face emoticon: :(


Facebook robot emoticon: :|]


Facebook Putnam emoticon: :putnam:


Facebook pacman emoticon: :v


Facebook heart emoticon: <3


Facebook happy eyes emoticon: ^_^


Facebook glasses emoticon: 8)


Facebook gasp emoticon: :o


Facebook errr emoticon: :/


Facebook doh emoticon: >:-(


Facebook devil emoticon: 3:)


Facebook crying emoticon: :’(


Facebook cat smile emoticon: :3


Facebook big smile emoticon: :D


Facebook angel emoticon: o:)


Facebook aiya emoticon: >:o

These are all of the possible Facebook emoticons – when any are released on facebook chat you can be sure that we will be the first to bring you the news about their release, and the codes to put them into your Facebook chats! Which Facebook emoticons are your favourites – let us know in the comments!

Special And Rare Cool Secret Facebook Symbols

Besides the basic facebook symbols that can be used on facebook, there are also these special rare symbols that look really cool in your status update or in your about me box.
To use these symbols just copy and paste the ones you want into your status message updates, comments, wall posts, etc.
Some facebook symbols may not appear correctly on your computer if you don’t have the latest internet explorer or operating system.

Special Zodiac symbols for facebook:

♉ – Taurus (The bull)
♊ – Gemini (The Twins)
♋ – Cancer (The Crab)
♌ – Leo (The Lion)
♍ – Virgo (The Virgin)
♎ – Libra (The Scales)
♏ – Scorpio (The Scorpion)
♐ – Sagittarius (Centaur The Archer)
♑ – Capricorn (Goat-horned, The sea goat)
♒ – Aquarius (The water bearer)
♓ – Pisces (The fish)

Special face symbol:

Chess symbols black :
♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

Chess symbols White:
♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

Crosses for facebook:
☩ ☨ ☦ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞✠

Cute flowers symbols and icons:
❀ ✿ ❁ ✾

Butterfly facebook symbol:

Music facebook symbols:
♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

Poker facebook symbols black: 
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠

Poker facebook symbols White:
♡ ♢ ♤ ♧

Moon symbols for facebook:
☾ ☽

Sun face book symbols:
☼ ☀

Cloud and umbrella icons for fb:
☁ ☂

Snowman cute symbol:

Stars and snowflake facebook symbols:
╰☆╮✡ ۞ ★ ☆ ⋆ ✩ ✮ ✯ ✰ ❇ ❈ ❅ ❄ ❆

Religion & belief facebook symbols:
☯ ✡☨ ✞ ✝☥ ☦ ☧ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭

Peace symbols:

Risk radioactive and biological cool icons:
☢ ☣

Check tick symbol for facebook

Hands pointing symbols:
☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟

Writing Symbols for facebook posts:
✉ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✐✑✒

Scissors symbols: 
✂ ✄

Phones symbols:
☎ ☏ ✆

Funny Facebook Fail LOL Pictures

Check out these funny facebook fail pics if you want to lol! A funny facebook picture with a friend request from jesus and hilarious pictures of how to do facebook wrong and a funny dog picture doing a facebook pose!

Funny Facebook Fail LOL Pictures

Check out these funny facebook fail pics if you want to lol! A funny facebook picture with a friend request from jesus and hilarious pictures of how to do facebook wrong and a funny dog picture doing a facebook pose!

Funny Facebook Birthday Status Update Fun Game Generator

This is a really fun and funny game for your facebook status updates. This will generate a very funny sentence for you to post as your facebook status update based on your birthday and what colour top you are wearing. Your friends will think its funny and want to make their funny status sentence so make sure you tell them to come here!
All you have to do is pick your birthday and top colour from each category and then add them together.
For example, if your birthday was the 15th of April 1994 and you were wearing an orange shirt your status sentence would end up as: I licked a goat under your bed becuase my family thinks I’m stupid!
Generate your hilarious status sentence now and play this funny status game! Get your friends to make theirs as well. Leave a comment with your status sentence and show us what you got!
Pick the month you were born:
> January——- I kicked
> February—— I loved
> March——– I karate chopped
> April———- I licked
> May———- I jumped on
> June———- I smelled
> July———– I did the Macarena With
> August——– I had lunch with
> September—- I danced with
> October——- I sang to
> November—– I yelled at
> December—– I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
> 1——- a birdbath
> 2——- a monster
> 3——- a phone
> 4——- a fork
> 5——- a snowman
> 6——- a gangster
> 7——- my mobile phone
> 8——- my dog
> 9——- my best friends
> 10——- my neighbor
> 11——- my science teacher
> 12——- a banana
> 13——- a fireman
> 14——- a stuffed animal
> 15——- a goat
> 16——- a pickle
> 17——- your mom
> 18——- a spoon
> 19——- a smurf
> 20——- a baseball bat
> 21——- an assassin
> 22——- Bruce Lee
> 23——- a noodle
> 24——- a squirrel
> 25——- a football player
> 26——- my sister
> 27——- my brother
> 28——- an iPod
> 29——- a surfer
> 30——- a homeless guy
> 31——- a camel
Pick the last number of the year you were born:
> 1——— In my car
> 2 ——— On your car
> 3 ———– In a hole
> 4 ———– Under your bed
> 5 ———– Riding a Motorcycle
> 6 ——— sliding down a hill
> 7 ——— in an elevator
> 8———- at the dinner table
> 9 ——– In line at the bank
> 0 ——– in your bathroom
Pick the color shirt you are wearing:
> White——— because I am cool like that
> Black——— because that’s how I roll
> Pink———– because I’m NOT crazy
> Red———– because the voices told me to
> Blue———– because I’m sexy and I do what I want
> Green——— because I think I need some serious help
> Purple——— because I’m AWESOME!
> Gray———- because Big Bird said to
> Yellow——– because someone offered me $1,000,000
> Orange——– because my family thinks I’m stupid
> Brown——— because I can
> Other———- because I’m an assassin!
> None———- because I can’t control myself!

Funny & Cute Chat Up Lines For Facebook Status Update Ideas

Is there a guy you like on facebook? Is there a girl you fancy? Got a crush? Let them know with one of these great, funny and cute flirting facebook status ideas! These are some really cute and some very funny chat up lines which make great status updates on your facebook or you could copy and paste them onto your crushes wall! Some are really witty and clever and some are just silly and funny! Use one of these flirting status update ideas now on your facebook and impress your friends! You’ll get loads of likes on your status and comments too!
  • Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
  • I have a pen, you have a phone number… think of the possibilities
  • There must be something wrong with my eyes; I can’t take them off you
  • I lost my phone number can I have yours?
  • I’m feeling a little off today. Would you mind turning me on?
  • If I could re-arrange the alphabet I would put U and I together
  • Is that a mirror in your pocket because I can see myself in your pants?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  • Are your legs tired? because you have been running through my mind all day
  • Are you doing anything tonight, because I sure hope it is me!
  • Do you eat lucky charms? Because you look magically delicious
  • Are you a parking ticket, because you have got fine written all over you!
  • If I had a cloud for every time I have wanted you, I would be in heaven.
  • If you were a burger at McDonalds Id call you McBeautiful
  • Oh, are your lips sore? Here, let me kiss them better
  • I’ve been trying to talk to you for ages. No, I still can’t do it.
  • Are we related? Do you want to be?
  • I won’t unlock these handcuffs until you agree to go out with me.
  • What is a fine-looking woman like you doing with a guy like that?
  • Are you free tonight or will it cost me?
  • You like sleeping? Me too! We should do it together sometime.
  • I’m feeling a little off today. Would you like to turn me on?
  • Is that a ladder in your tights or a stairway to heaven?
  • Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!
  • Youre hot, Im cool. Lets get together and even things out.
  • Hey baby, you must be a light switch, becuase every time I see you, you turn me on!
  • Were you arrested earlier? It’s gotta be illegal to look that good.
  • You look really hot! You must be the reason for global warming.
  • You know, I would die happy if I saw you naked just once!
  • Hey, You were great on Bay Watch last night!
  • You’re so hot you would make the devil sweat.
  • If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged!
  • Your daddy must have been a baker, because you’ve got a nice set of buns.
  • Are you accepting applications for your fan club?
  • You’re so hot that when I look at you I get a tan.
  • Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
  • Is there a rainbow, because you’re the treasure I’ve been searching for…
  • What time do you have to be back in heaven?
  • There’s a woman like you in my dreams every night.
  • Your lips look so lonely…. Would they like to meet mine?
  • When God made you, he was showing off.

Facebook Goes Down For Many Users – Funny Status Updates

Today, Facebook has been unstable for many users. In the last 15 minutes or so, Facebook seems to be completely inaccessible (down).
Facebook has given the following statement:
“We are experiencing site issues that are affecting some people. As a result, the site may be slow or time out for some users. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.”
Facebook downtime is rare but even the world’s largest social network occasionally has stability issues. It’s a big deal: with 500 million active users, complaints about facebook downtime mount up pretty quickly.
Here are some funny status updates from around the web from places like twitter, while facebook was down.
  • With Facebook down I give it 3 hours before people start eating each other.
  • is on twitter because facebook is down.
  • Facebook down. Workplace productivity up by43%.
  • is surprised at how many people “need facebook for work”.
  • is missing my facebook stalking antics already.
  • Facebook down, productivity levels around the world increase 80%
  • Facebook is down? Ok, I’ll work on “solving the global warming problem” for a while instead.
  • World productivity sees huge spike as Facebook goes down.
  • How much more work do you think will get done worldwide while Facebook is down?
  • Facebook down. Conspiracy time… social experiment? Cyber terrorism? Or just some hungover guy pressing the wrong button at Facebook HQ?
  • Facebook Down… I bet my mum and dad are going crazy, just like all the other Farmville addicts.

What Facebook Used To Look Like – Amazing Pictures!

Ever wondered what Facebook used to look like? Check out these amazing real pictures of Facebook when it was first started in 2004 and the years after. See how the Facebook design and layout used to look in these screenshots of the site.
Click on the pictures to see the full size.

Facebook in 2004


Facebook in 2005


Facebook in 2006


Facebook in 2007